Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Cuckoo's Calling - Robert Galbraith (JKR) - Book

The Cuckoo's Calling - Robert Galbraith (JKR).
Last year after falling in love with Harry Potter series, head over heels, I decided to read everything ever written by J K Rowling but somehow after "The Casual Vacancy" took a kind of break before picking her next series of detective stories that she wrote with the pseudonym of Robert Galbraith. This one is the first of the series (of four books) so far, although not as magical as the HP Books for sure but nevertheless was a damn good read. She has that magical ability of making her readers fall in love big time with characters one after another. The readers loyalty keeps swaying from one character to another as she kept on unfolding them with great details, now thats one thing that I love about these British Authors. Awesome detailing, dollops of humor even in a suspense thriller cum murder mystery and she indeed gives a superb ride around the city of London too. It is a huge co-incidence that I am watching the TV Series FRIENDS (all 10 seasons) back to back these days and couldn't believe my eyes to see as many as four characters named after four important characters from the TV series, it could be a huge co-incidence but imagine there is a Ross in here as well as a Rochelle (Rachel), even a Joey and an Ursula too  and that did put a big wide smile on my face throughout. Who knows, she may be a big fan of FRIENDS too. Another terrific thing about JKR's story telling is that she totally able to keep the reader under suspense so much that imagine up-to half the point there is no mention of who is she referring as "Cuckoo" actually and what's it's or his / her's calling?
Story is pretty much straight forward of a Super model's Suicide / Murder, which a terrific detective Cormoran Strike has to uncover in toes with his new assistant, the amazing Robin who is his temporary assistant and on her first job. How they go about the whole suspense is an amazing ride although no comparisons with Ms Christie or Sir Doyle for sure as she is coming from a YA Fantasy genre to thrillers. Otherwise its a superb read and was able to keep me hooked throughout the 388 pages and I kept looking forward to predict the outcome and I was almost partially right in guessing the outcome or the culprit behind it. What works big time in the favor of the story and the book is its amazing characters, totally lovable, one's that I will never be able to forget any sooner especially the lead Cormoran Strike, estranged son of a Rock-star who the whole of London knows but lives a life a recluse after getting thrown out by his girl-friend with no money and no future. An Ex Army mid 30's man, you need to read the book to know why he is Ex Army as the story keeps going back n forth very briefly into flashes of his past and keeps giving the reader amazing glimpses from his past. Even Robin has her own little parallel track and a developing story which I hope goes ahead in upcoming parts. JKR leaves no stone upturned in involving me so much with the story that I wanted to get inside it make them do what I wished they would do but to no avail and for the betterment of the story I guess. Totally loved the way she handles the characters and make them so strong yet so believably life like. I was throughout hooting for Cormoran knowing very well how it is going to end for him personally (full marks to Author in that department) that made me thing big time of Prof Snape and the final outcome for him .
If you have read this one or any other of Cormoran Strike novels, do let me know how you like it and if you haven't, trust me, this isn't something you should miss. I am going to take a very brief break and pick up the next of the series as I am literally too excited to know what happens next to Robin and Cormoran. I am looking forward now to the three episode TV series that they made on this book, Yay!!

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