Friday, January 24, 2025

#CashTags - Vishal and Meghana Malkan (Book)

Book 2/52.

#CashTags - Vishal and Meghana Malkan.

My Rating: 3/5

In my quest to look for an alternate career or call it an additional way of making some money, more excitingly than I currently do it, I started looking at Trading with a new perspective. Hence, this became the third book that I have read on the subject. This turns out to be a lukewarm affair as the entire book turns out to be a marketing gimmick by the couple Authors to sell their Stock Training Program which they run throughout the country. There is no way to read just the book and not attend their training course, which comes at a price and is about a year long. So you get the drift. this is one way of making money for them, whether you make it or not, they will for sure by teaching you how to do it right. But not everything is negative about this book, as it taught me how to read View, Observe and analyse the Trade Charts and predict which one will go down or up in the coming days. Plus it does affirm the reader’s psyche when investing money in the Stock Market. I liked the way they talk about how we are programmed by our surroundings, culture, parents, siblings, friends and colleagues whenever it comes to taking up a new thing as a change and how hard it is to break it and do what you want to do, come what may be the risk. So I am going to try a few of their ways in the coming days but I am damn sure that Warren Buffet’s biography was a better read and teacher, I am not comparing it with that though, just saying. 

Let me know if you have read a better book on Stock Trading or Investments as I am looking for more reading to kick-start my trading career. I would love to read some that talk about real-time stock investments. 


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