Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Ink Black Heart - Robert Galbraith (Book)


Book 1/52.
The Ink Black Heart - Robert Galbraith.
My Rating: 5/5

My cousin introduced me to J K Rowling about a decade back, and I loved the Harry Potter series plus additional books big time. As I love starting my new year on a high, this was the first of the year, and no wonder it turned out to be better than its earlier counterparts. This is the sixth instalment from her Strike series, written under the pseudonym of Robert Galbraith. Robin and Strike are taking the digital world and its new gimmicks in style to resolve the mystery around an animated series called The Ink Blak Heart, and the game is based on the same animation, who made the game and killed the creator(s) of the series was the question. On top of all that, there is so much going on in their lives, and it was thoroughly entertaining, as always. The best thing about this mammoth of a book with 1100+ pages is again the tete-a-tete between Robin and Strike, especially when they talk or ignore the other’s current partner and what they think about each other. Just like all other JKR fans, I, too, am surprised (and in awe) by the way she is handling the characters and their love lives the way she is doing it. It leaves so much to our imagination and desire, yet she is giving it out in such small doses that we keep asking for more. And with this one done, I already have the seventh part waiting to be picked up on my book rack. I will give it a two-book break in between as the 8th is yet to come out by September 2025. A TV series based on TIBH is already out which I will be watching shortly.

Have you read the Ink Blak Heart? Do let me know how you liked it and if you have a personal Strike favourite, mine will be this one till I read the next.

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