Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Castle - Franz Kafka (Book)

The Castle - Franz Kafka. I have read at least five Haruki Murakami books and that too back to back :). But one actually isn't required to read a full Murakami book to get a hang of the man as how it is to read a Murakami. And if you have read one, you precisely know what I am talking about but what has Kafka got to do with Murakami? Right? Kafka is Daddy of Murakami on that front and I am triply sure that Murakami himself must be a huge huge fan of Franz Kafka, that much I can tell you after finishing my first Kafka :). I mean, I have read a lot of books with open endings but I haven't read (before this) any-book which doesn't actually have an ending, neither a story which goes anywhere but revolves around one subject which is very intriguing but I guess Kafka decided to never to give out too much to the reader or may be I am wrong as one reading may not be enough to scale a Kafka? is it? And that's where Murakami came to my mind, One of the trilogy (Rat) that I have read from him, he simply refuses to name even one character, I read them with a microscope and couldn't seriously find any names even in the Epilogue which was the fourth book of the series and even there he simply steered away from any names to my shock, amazement and later awe. Same to same is the case with Kafka uncle, he wasn't any easy on me that too on my first book from him. But I firmly believe on the saying that "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" so since this didn't kill me, it made me strong enough to pick another Kafka very near in future. Now the story, contradicting myself as I said earlier that there is no story, there actually is a Castle where our unnamed protagonist wants to go as he is called by the count (only one mention) for the job of a surveyor (that as per Kafka is giving out too much). Now this guy is named after an alphabet :) and I kept all four of my eyes (two behind my specs) to see if we get a full first name at least if not more. While his target is to reach the Castle which in itself is not very easily visible, he has to go through a lot of struggles in the form of the surrounding village(s) and the people living therein are no respite on the man. To his (and mostly our) amazement, he does indeed has some help in the form of his assistants which he himself isn't sure he knows them :) now you are getting a hang of Kafka I tell you. What happens next is the rest of the story of this man's struggle, acquaintances he makes, a little love he may find on the way to the castle, mysterious disappearing characters making an entry and exit at their own whims and fancies. A lot of people do not like him getting the job, a lot of others actually like and respect him (or his title) and a few have their own doubts on the mans originality, there is so much more to it all than what I can blabber about in my post. I still firmly believe that I haven't got a quarter of the whole book (read 280+ pages) still it was a fantastic intriguing read till I realized that the pages were coming to an end and I could not see any ending in miles. It has everything from similar sounding names to doubts whether one character is really what he or she is supposed to be to a new character popping now and then and disappearing suddenly. I mean tell me this, how can an Author introduce a new character at the second last para of the book and let us live with that? pray tell me about it if that has ever happens in any books that you have read. I have my own doubts that the paperback that I got from one of my all time favorite book store (Blossoms Bangalore) has some 50 odd pages missing. Which I will be checking out tomorrow at a bookstore near me to make sure it does have an ending unlike the book which I just finished which has a new character introduced in the very last chapter who says something yet there is no words following it. Please tell me that you have read this and it actually has an ending, Kafka cannot be like Murakami (other way round is acceptable to me), that he will give me a few sleepless nights thinking of an ending. Have you read The Castle or any other Kafka? Do let me know which one is your favorite Kafka book as my next from him is going to be "The Trial" which I will read after a few books break. Edit: No change, that's actually how it is :(.

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