Friday, October 18, 2019

Career of Evil - Robert Galbraith (Book)

Career of Evil - Robert Galbraith.
Third book of the series and I must say that this is one heck of a series which just keeps getting better by the book. And what timing that I have finished this one  as tomorrow is the launch of Robert Galbraith (read JK Rowling's) fourth book from the series named "Lethal White" which I will be looking forward to big time. Right from the very first book "The Cuckoo's Calling" I was more in love with Cormoran Strike the ex Army detective, his personality and of-course his "to die for" assistant cum partner Robin, who is more of an accident than a preferred choice by him. Although Cuckoo's Calling was nothing exceptional but the character building (as expected from JKR) was simply too good which kept me hooked to read the second part "The Silkworm" which further made me fall in love with both of them so much that I wished and prayed that they do get together or at least remained together for good. As Robin's personal relations are explored in details in that one, I totally disliked her love interest and later her fiance (the idiot) Mathew, I so much wished he should get shot by someone in the story. You really need to read the second book to know more on that and understand the reason for my hate for the man whereas the third and the book in question "Career of Evil" was so far the best of the series I must say. And again, as Robert Galbraith wanted me to fall big time in love with Robin and Cormoran equally but I am still undecided why when in the end of the book Robin says "I Do" smiling, looking in the eyes of Cormoran Strike, I do not feel so happy about it or am I actually happy for that smile? Confusing? Go read the book and come back to answer me.
JK Rowling no doubt is the master of writing book series that we readers love big time, she already proved it with much loved Harry Potter series and its support books. But with Strike Series she has taken in couple of notches ahead I must say and in full style. She has taken her own sweet time in developing the characters and with the third book of the series I got a terrific glimpse on Cormoran Strike as well as Robin's dark past. In superb details and yet in thrilling way they opened it up in this one which had me totally in awe with them. How wonderfully the story moves forward as Robin is engaged to be married to her lousy boy friend Mathews as parallel we have Cormoran getting to terms with his own break-up with his girl friend with whom he loved and lived for a dozen years or more. Much to my shock, surprise and sadness, they still do not accept the love that they have for each other, I so much wished that they will come to terms by the time this one comes to an end . As both their pasts come haunting back right at them and they really need each other to work it all out and nail the culprit who is still behind them after all these years. Robin's life is in big danger as the killer decides to mail her body parts of couple of his victims had me in unexplainable feelings. Who are these people that he killed and where are the rest of the bodies? The entire story revolves not only around the killer, stalker and someone from their past but also around their present where they both are in their own personal relations about to get committed (even Cormoran that I just couldn't believe my eyes). But again as I said earlier too in my last post, Robin is one hell of a woman, even in this one, she comes much stronger and almost shoulder to shoulder with Strike if not any better than him. The way she handles the entire case(s) I was totally in awe and love with her.
I never expected a nail biting thriller cum suspense story from JKR so much that even after trying so hard, it was totally not my cup of tea to guess the killer just like it is always the case with MET  I too was totally clueless. The built up was so strong and the story is so engaging that it was very hard for me to take a break from the book and get on with other things in life. As long as I stayed away from the book, I was wishing that Robin remains safe away from the clutches of her stalker (I know, I am crazy) and hoped that Cormoran will keep her safe and sound. You've got to read this fantastic book to know what, how and why it happens to be such an amazing thriller. Also, I need to see the much praised TV series now after a short break so it won't break my heart when I compare it with the book series  have you read this or see the TV series based on it?
PS: The fourth of the series is getting launched tomorrow and is bloody priced at 550/- . I guess I will have to wait for a big hearted donor to donate me the book on read and return basis .

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