Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Joker (2019) - Movie.

Joker (2019) - Movie. Sunday night we watched "The Dark-Knight" yet again, me and my daughter who is a huge fan of not only Joker :) but of a bit of Batman too. Her special interest is in Commissioner Gordon as the same guy plays a very important role in Harry Potter series and she and I both have a kind of crush on Harvey Dent too. On top of that we both love Batman's gadgets, his car cum bike, his man-servant and even his man Friday :). And I refuse to talk about Batman's love interest for obvious reasons. Even after all this the hero of the movie for all of us is no one other than the "Joker" especially the way Heath Ledger put so much heart in the character with his outstanding portrayal and with Christopher Nolan doing total justice to the entire cast, story, built up and the grand finale. As soon as we were done with the movie, I went back to check my movie record (Yes, I do maintain a record) to check how many times I have seen the Dark Knight every year and to my sheer shock and surprise the movie didn't even show once in my list :D that means right from the very start I watched it (and loved it) the very first time, I never put it in list and now I have lost count as how many times I must have seen this movie to date. If I have to finish my blabber and feelings about the "Joker" that we saw today afternoon, I will say Joker takes the story a good thousand steps backwards and gives us the making of the Joker in a fantastic way. It is dark, complicated, depressing, violent, emotional, a bit of comedy too and an out an out Joker movie which is not only at par with its previous counterpart, I rather found it better than the Dark-Knight. One viewing is definitely not enough and I have to see it a few times more to pick so much more from the movie which I guess I must have missed in the first helping. Joaquin Phoenix is an incredible actor and that he has already proved with his previous movies, my all time favorite Joaquin movie is "Her", I fell in love with the man big time in that one and never looked back at any other movie. Now he just surpassed his own previous best performance with the Joker and I guess there is no looking back for him. And I am super glad to read that the filming finished for the movie in December 2018 and we get to watch the final outcome now in October 2019. As soon as we walked out of the theater the first question my wife asked me was "Is this guy alive?" and I gladly answered that he is not only alive and doing well but also definitely (if an atheist's prayers are answered) going to pick up the coveted trophy in February 2020. Joker is a terrific example of an Author backed role and of a perfect casting, I am totally sure that no one could have come any closer to this character and the huge audience expectations after the last success of the antagonist on screen. A heart touching and totally emotional story of a mentally sick man, all he wants to be is a stand up comedian so he could make people laugh. All his life his mother tells him that he is supposed to just that and make people happy, she even calls him Happy. What goes wrong and the man who wants to be a clown becomes a Joker is the story all about. Who gives him that name is super important as well as that one thing broke my heart so badly. I read somewhere in someone's review where the writer said that he wanted to get inside the screen and hug Joaquin, I exactly felt the same. A man betrayed by all, almost everyone shoots him down big time in life, although he does gives us glimpses of him being a good man too, you've got to watch out for a heart in the mouth scene to see his goodness. Yet, he is wronged at every turn of his life and what he becomes is what we had and have seen again today. A close friend of mine told me that he sort of broker a record of having maximum goosebumps watching a movie, seriously I couldn't believe what the movie did to me. I mean the built-up is so strong especially when as a learned audience we already know where it is going to go, it did give me so many goose-bumpy moment, brought tears to my eyes while putting a constant smile on my face for the much unloved man that I can't tell you more. There was no hope, yet not only he but we also hope so many times for the impossible to happen and in the end we all see the inevitable. Incredible movie and unbelievable story. I haven't seen a better movie in a long time and this will definitely show up in my ten best from now onward. I will leave it here as I can talk about the movie all day and on top of that I don't want to be a spoilsport for those who haven't seen it yet. Have you seen the Joker yet? if you have, you precisely know how am I feeling and if you haven't so far, do yourself a favor, go watch it at the earliest. And for those, who have seen it, do tell me which one is your one favorite seen :), mine definitely is the midget one :). So much heart in that man.

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