When it comes to action movies, there is no better than a super hero movie, be it spiderman, superman, ironman, thor, batman, so on so forth. And when you put half a dozen of them in one movie avenging and saving the planet from bad guys and their army - is simply amazing. If I have to pick one favorite - it will be quite a tough task. I will definitely pick up Ironman followed by Hulk followed by Thor. Captain America will show up last in my list and that Black widow will never make it to my list ever. I don't need a glamour quotient in an action movie for sure. Scarlett Johansson was a mere caricature here, dunno why she did it.
Ironman beats everybody hands down in here. I totally love everything about him. The way he walks, talks, jokes - simply mindblowing. One scene which deserves a mention is when he lands on the top of his building and the way his suit is being taken off his body by automatic process by machine and he keeps walking on an open corridor talking to his girl friend - is an amazing sight. I can see this movie twice for that shot only. One hell of an amazingly shot sequence. Second is Hulk. He is located to be in Calcutta (India) and called to help the team beat up Loki and his army who are here to take control of unlimited supply of energy in a cube. Mark Ruffalo is a blessing as New Hulk and he is simply amazing. He has already won our hearts in his last couple of movies and after you see this - I am sure you too will look forward to his upcoming movies.
Jeremy Renner as hawk is amazing too, although he is forced to join the bad guys but when he joins the team back - its simply mind blowing action that he delivers with his automated bow and arrows. Simply stunning camera shots of moving arrows that too on 3D is one hell of a sight. Captain America as per me is plain average. Although he too has got some great action but personally am not a big fan hence didn't enjoy it that much. Thor as usual is damn good. Although as an individual movie I didn't like Thor that much as it was a little too much for me but here, in a small role he is acceptable. I love his magnetic hammer though which he keeps losing and catching again and again.
I guess at least four or more times, I actually ducked to save myself from flying and crashing objects. Like in one sequence when you have a broken wing of air plane is thrown on audiences. And that flying army of Loki, Hawks arrows, Flying ship of SHIELD the organization to which they all report and work with. Sam Jackson gets some of the best lines and watch out for the ending ;). You will know what I'm talking of. Robert Downey too gets some fantastic lines, his facial expressions and timing is simply superb. He is the best of the lot. In the end you actually feel like you never get enough of him.
New York has gone through so many disasters in last one decade in movies that I am sure they have used all corners of the city to the full. Even in this one it looks so run of the mill action. Even when the US govt orders a typical Nuclear Missile to be blown in Manhattan - you just don't show any expression as that's pretty normal for them. One solution to all world problem is a bloody nuclear blast that's such a ROFL stuff.
All in all - its a damn good watch for action lovers and is a definite multiple viewing for movie freaks. Its a nice one time watch for regular cinegoers. And if you love 3D movies - this is the movie of the year. If you ask me personally - I will rate its CGI one notch lower than AVATAR. If Avatar was 4/5 for me - this is definitely a 3/5 and no less.
Do not miss it at any cost.
It deserves a big screen viewing.
You will love it.
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